Deck building process

The building process for a deck usually starts with us arranging to have the ground marked and flagged for any important lines (such as gas, hydro, bell etc). Once the area is confirmed clear of any lines, we send the plans in for approval by the municipality if a permit is needed. We then contract our professional auger service to come in and dig 42″-48″ deep and the proper diameter depending on post size. After the posts are set in with around 120 lbs of concrete holding them down, we begin to frame the deck.

A ledger board is properly attached to the house and beams will be lagged into the posts according to the design. Joists are placed and boards are then nailed on with thickcoat galvanized ribbed nails that will never rust or deteriorate. Proper custom steps are installed with even more support posts being cemented into the ground. The railings are constructed on site while the finishing touches are being added to the deck. After all is complete, we would be happy to answer any questions the customer may have about maintaining/improving the look of your new deck.


If you have any more questions about this subject- see our FAQ page.  If you still have questions, feel free to contact us anytime!